Advanced Industrial Gearbox Solutions

Inder Enterprises has been able to find clients as well as deliver packages that suit a target output, maximum disturbance and additional surface plus lapping among others all used in heavy duty industrial gearboxes. Having been in the industry for more than 25 years, the manufacturing of these gearboxes does understand and incorporate the needs of heavy machines, production houses, automotive systems and many more industrial jobs within them.

With an ability to execute perfect power transmission with minimal loss and operate optimally with less down time with no negative effects, the industrial gearboxes we design and manufacture takes harsh working environments into consideration. Delighted customers require either built-in or off-the shelf gearboxes; our skill and guarantee customises them so as the consumers’ satisfaction level is boosted whilst operational costs reduce.

Have some issues with your industrial gearbox systems and want a maintenance or an upgrade? Do not hesitate to give us a call now! Why not contact us so that you can try out our gearboxes optimising your plant’s productivity?

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